Propylaeum Blog

Diana Wolf: "Monsters and the Mind" frisch online bei Propylaeum-eBOOKS

27. Juni 2019, Katrin Bemmann - Aktuelles

Im neunten Band der Reihe "Daidalos. Heidelberger Abschlussarbeiten für Klassische Archäologie" hat Diana Wolf in "Monsters and the Mind. Composite Creatures and Social Cognition in Aegean Bronze Age Glyptic" eine erste systematische Erfassung von „Monster“-Darstellungen auf bronzezeitlichen Siegeln und Siegelabdrücken aus der Ägäis mit dem Schwerpunkt auf das Minoische Kreta vorgenommen. Grundlage ist ein umfassender Katalog aller publizierten Siegel, die Hybride und Mischwesen führen. Der Titel steht im Open Access bei den Propylaeum-eBOOKS zum Download zur Verfügung.

Domitian and the East (Summer 2019)

26. Juni 2019, Philipp Weiss - Aktuelles

Domitian and the East, International Conference at the Anargyrios and Korgialenios School Spetses, Greece – June 30-July 2, 2019

Organizers: Antony Augoustakis (Illinois), Emma Buckley (St Andrews), Nathalie de Haan (Nijmegen), Aurora Raimondi Cominesi (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden), and Claire Stocks (Newcastle)

Programme available at:

Call for Papers: Plutarch and his Contemporaries. Sharing the Roman Empire

26. Juni 2019, Philipp Weiss - Call for papers

*12th International Congress of the International Plutarch Society*

Warsaw (Poland), 3-6 September 2020

Plutarch lived in the multicultural yet increasingly interconnected world of the Roman empire: a world in which diverse local, linguistic, religious, and political identities were combined with a common education and culture as well as shared everyday experiences. This sense of interconnectedness is apparent in Plutarch’s works in a number of ways, such as in the inclusion of speakers from various backgrounds in dialogues and the exploration of Roman history and culture alongside that of Greece. There is an abundance of parallels between Plutarch and other imperial-period writers with backgrounds that differed from his, reflecting their shared cultural participation.

*This conference seeks to discuss Plutarch’s works within the broader context of imperial-period literature and to explore overlaps and points of intersection between Plutarch and other ancient authors of the 1st and 2nd c. CE, including Greek and Roman as well as pagan and Christian writers* (including, for instance, Dio Chrysostom, Arrian, and Lucian; Seneca, Quintilian, the two Plinies; Christian apologists and the early Church Fathers). We welcome contributions of a comparative nature investigating convergences and variations, parallels and modifications in themes, formats, and literary techniques in Plutarch and other authors of the early empire. We also invite submissions reflecting on the value and potential of such a perspective: does it allow us to identify the cultural and literary background Plutarch and other authors shared and distinguish it from their individualizing modifications, agendas, and preoccupations? To what extent does it allow us to define distinctive features of the Plutarchan *corpus* and thought? And, more generally, how does a comparative approach contribute to our understanding of the literary and intellectual culture of the early imperial period?

*Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following*: philosophical and religious concepts and ideas; use of literary motifs, *topoi*, and *exempla*; use of genres, literary formats, rhetorical and narrative strategies; stylistic and linguistic characteristics and tendencies; attitudes towards Rome and Roman domination; attitudes towards the Greek past and its cultural heritage.

Please send paper proposals of ca. 300 words in Word or PDF format to before the deadline of December 1, 2019. The participants will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals by March 1st 2020. Membership of the International Plutarch Society is not required.

International Plutarch Society
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Faculty of Humanities
Organizing Committee: Katarzyna Jazdzewska, Joanna Komorowska, Filip Doroszewski

The conference will be held at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Campus Dewajtis

Call for Papers: The Theatre of the πόλις between Entertainment and Politics: New Interpretations of Ancient Greek Drama

26. Juni 2019, Philipp Weiss - Call for papers

International Conference for Postgraduate and Early Career Research Students

Call for Papers deadline 15th of July 2019 (12PM)

Pisa, 21st-22nd of October 2019
Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics


Lead doctoral committee

Luca Austa (Siena/Torino), Giulia Baccaro (Pisa), Micol Muttini (Siena)


Andrea Giannotti (Durham/Pisa)

Scientific committee:
Enrico Medda (Pisa), Simone Beta (Siena), Francesco Carpanelli (Torino), Patrick J. Finglass (Bristol), Andrea Taddei (Pisa), Mauro Tulli (Pisa)

Keynote speakers

Enrico Medda / Andrea Taddei (Pisa), Simone Beta (Siena)

Topics of discussion

‘The Theatre of the πόλις’ aims to gather the most stimulating and innovative methods of analysis for the investigation of ancient theatre in all of its literary, socio-political and ritual aspects. The role of the πόλις (of Athens as well as of other cities which organised and hosted dramatic agones and performances) still constitutes a hotly debated topic. For this occasion, we are seeking papers mainly (but not exclusively) related to the following fields of study:

   -   Historical, political and sociological readings and considerations of tragic and comic texts within their contemporary context.
   -   Interpretations and literary considerations of tragic and comic texts beyond their contemporary context.
   -   Considerations of ancient dramatic festivals (Athenian and non-), their organisation, and their (social, anthropological and religious) functions between theatricality and rituality.
   -   The theatre of the πόλεις beyond the traditional Athenocentric interpretation of ancient theatre.
   -   Considerations of the Panhellenic character of ancient theatrical texts.
   -   The aftermath: the evolution of the theatre after the 5th BCE. Readings and interpretations of an industrial and itinerant phenomenon.
   -   The theatre and the tyrants: considerations on the theatrical activity devoted to tyrannical power in Greece and the Mediterranean world.

Candidacy policy
The Congress is open to PhD students and early career researchers working on topics related to any aspect of Ancient Greek Theatre. Each paper should be fresh and innovative; re-adapted proposals will not be considered. Each proposal will be judged and selected by the Scientific Committee.

How to submit a proposal

To attend the Congress ‘The Theatre of the πόλις’ as speakers, candidates must send an e-mail to following these instructions:

   1. (a)  Object. The object of the e-mail must be: ‘Candidacy to Pisa session’;
   2. (b)  Attachments. The following documents must be attached to the e-mail (rigorously in .pdf): (i) an anonymous abstract (max. 300 words) of the proposed paper [in case of a collective panel (max. 3 papers) all abstracts must be attached as a single document along with a brief introduction]; (ii) a concise CV (max. 300 words) which highlights: University affiliation, degrees, relevant publications.

Papers can be delivered in Italian or English. Each paper must be 30 minutes long, followed by a discussion. Publication of written versions of the papers is planned (although the publication is subject to the unquestionable judgement of the Scientific Committee and to a process of blind peer-review).


Proposals will be accepted until 15/07/2019 (12PM [IT]). The outcome will be notified by 15/20 days after the closing of the CfP. The definitive programme will be published in September.


Meals will be covered for the speakers (2 lunches; 1 dinner); unfortunately, on this occasion, it is not possible to ensure further reimbursements.


For info about the Congress, please contact the organiser at the following email address:
The Congress is a public and free event.

Please download the complete CfP (with the abstract of the conference) in pdf here:«il-teatro-della-πόλις»-pisa-2019

Call for Papers: Prolepsis’ 4th International Conference "The Limits of Exactitude"

26. Juni 2019, Philipp Weiss - Call for papers

Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
19th-20th December 2019

Keynote speaker: Prof. Therese Fuhrer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Exactitude is the third of the Six Memos for the Next Millennium by Italo Calvino (Cambridge MA,  1988). According to Calvino ‘exactitude’ is a «well-defined and well-calculated plan for the work in question; an evocation of clear, incisive, memorable images [...]; a language as precise as possible both in the choice of words and in the expression of the subtleties of thought and imagination».  The aim of Prolepsis’ 4th International Conference is to reflect on Calvino’s definition applying it to the Classical, Late-Antique and Medieval Worlds. This year the conference will be particularly keen  on – but not limited to – the following topics:

- Accuratio vel ambiguitas in speech, argumentation and narration.

- Ambiguous, inaccurate and disconcerting communication from the author, and potential reader response.

- Metrical and musical exactitude and its limits.

- Exactitude in treatises (scientific, rhetorical, grammatical).

- Quoting, misquoting and misplacing.

- Accurate and inaccurate titles, and their transmission.

- Limits in the material evidence (manuscripts, papyri, inscriptions, formation of corpora, mise en  page, stichometry).

- Exactitude, doubt, ambiguity in the history of transmission (from ancient lexica, etymologica, and commentaries to modern scholarship).

- Examples of Exactitude and Ambiguity in Ancient and Modern Translations.

- Exactitude and Ambiguity in ancient and modern reception.

- Hypercorrection, lacunae, conjectures and obsession for completeness.

- Exactitude in historical and documentary reconstructions.

- Beginnings and endings of ancient and medieval works: doubtful and exact endings, incipit ex abrupto, etc.

- Finished and Unfinished / Clear and Unclear / Perfect and Imperfect in the philosophical reflection.

The participation in the conference as speaker is open to postgraduate students and early career researchers. To participate send an e-mail to by the 30th of June 2019.

The e-mail must contain the following pdf attachments:

1. An anonymous abstract of approximately 300 words (excluding references) and in English. You  should specify if the abstract is for an oral presentation or a poster.

2. A short academic biography with name and affiliation.

Proposals will be evaluated through double-blind peer review by scholars in the Humanities. The proposal evaluation will be carried out based on the following criteria: consistency, clarity, originality, methods. All abstracts, including those in proposed panels, will be reviewed and accepted on their own merits. Please note that this review is anonymous. Your anonymous abstract is the sole basis for judging your proposed paper for acceptance. Papers should be 20 minutes in length plus 10 minutes for discussion. The languages admitted for  the presentation are English and Italian. Selected papers will be considered for publication. Italian speakers will be required to provide an English handout, power point, and possibly a translation/translated summary of their paper. Proposals for coordinated panels (three papers reaching 90 min. in total, discussion included) and posters are most welcome. Posters should be written in Italian or English. Expenses for travel and accommodation will not be covered. For any inquiries write to, we would be glad to help you find solutions.

The organising committee:

Roberta Berardi (University of Oxford)

Nicoletta Bruno (Thesaurus linguae Latinae, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München)

Giulia Dovico (Universität zu Köln)

Martina Filosa (Universität zu Köln)

Luisa Fizzarotti (Alma Mater – Università di Bologna)

Olivia Montepaone (Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino)

Claudia Nuovo (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)

14th Trends in Classics International Conference “Historical Linguistics and Classical Philology”

26. Juni 2019, Philipp Weiss - Aktuelles

Department of Classics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Departamento de Filología Clásica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Center for the Greek Language (Thessaloniki)

Fundación Pastor de Estudios Clásicos (Madrid)

14th Trends in Classics International Conference

“Historical Linguistics and Classical Philology”

Thessaloniki, 22-24 May 2020

Auditorium Ι

Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center  (KEDEA)

September 3rd Avenue, University Campus

email:; website:


Conference description:

It has been argued that historical linguistics is the child of classical philology, yet the borders of the two disciplines have not always been so clearly defined or delineated, while their history testifies to a turbulent coexistence, sometimes demonstrating a cross-fertilizing collaboration and at other times taking centrifugal paths, but always moving along a ‘love-and-hate’ course. This kind of relation is best reflected in the 19th-century shift in the pronouncements by two of the most prominent protagonists of this association, Georg Curtius and Karl Brugmann, teacher and student respectively, with the symbolic reversal of the order of the two disciplines in the respective titles from “Philologie und Sprachwissenschaft” (1862) to “Sprachwissenschaft und Philologie” (1885).

The debate is long-standing and well alive today. The conference revisits this relation aspiring to address its various aspects and ramifications, investigate the wide range of applications of the linguistic method in the philological analysis of classical texts, as well as explore new venues of the contacts between the two disciplines and try to further this collaboration into areas mutually beneficial to both fields. In this spirit, the participants are asked to contribute studies showing new results that can be reached and that open new perspectives in the present-day research using the tools and methods of historical linguistics applied to the temporal span, the geographical area and the languages that are of interest to today’s classical philology understood in a broad sense as the knowledge of classical antiquity.

Thematic areas:

Among the thematic areas to be addressed are the following:

    Linguistic theory and the study of classical texts
    Lexicography and etymology
    Comparison between Ancient Greek and Latin
    Textual criticism and editorial practices of ancient texts
    Sociolinguistic approaches to the study of classical texts
    Linguistic argumentation and reasoning
    Corpus linguistics
    Digital processing of natural language and classical languages
    The contribution of other disciplines in the study of classical texts (archaeology, writing, history, mythology, etc.)

Frammenti e dintorni - Fragmente im Kontext

26. Juni 2019, Philipp Weiss - Aktuelles

*Frammenti e dintorni - Fragmente im Kontext*

to be held at the Accademia di Studi Italo-Tedeschi / Akademie Deutsch-Italienischer Studien of  Merano, Italy (, on  *November 7th-9th, 2019*.

The concept of the conference, expressed by the Italian word "dintorni", is manifold: we aim at investigating not only the fragments themselves, but also the contexts in which they are quoted, the reasons why they are quoted, and their relationship with other text that we have as a whole.

*Thursday, 7th November 2019*

15:00 Opening and registration

15:20 Greetings by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. B. Zimmermann (Freiburg/Heidelberg), Prof. I. De Gennaro (Accademia di Studi Italo-Tedeschi, Merano), Dr. V. Mastellari (Freiburg/Heidelberg, organisation)

*First Session: Quoting others: Lexicography and Ancient Erudition *

15:45 Prof. R. Tosi (Università di Bologna), *Alcune osservazioni sui frammenti tramandati dai lessici*

16:15 Prof. F. Montanari (Università di Genova), *Le tortuose strade del frammento. Citazioni nell’erudizione antica*

16:45 Discussion

17:15 Wine reception

*Friday, 8th November 2019*

10:00 Beginning of the works

*Second Session: Fragments in Context and Contexts of Fragments*

10:15 Prof. P.J. Finglass (University of Bristol), *Editing fragments in context*

10:45 Prof. E. Csapo (University of Sydney), *Lachares and Menander: a Theatre-Historical Look at *POxy  *1235, col. iii, 103-12*

11:15 Discussion

11:45 Coffee Break

12:15 Prof.ssa A.M. Andrisano (Università di Ferrara), *Una testimonianza comica a proposito di Cinesia (Ar.* Ran. *366)*

12:45 Discussion

13:00 Lunch

*Third Session: Comic Fragments *

15:00 Dr. F. Favi (University of Oxford), *Comedy at the border, at the border of comedy: Epicharmus and epic parody*

15:30 Prof. I.M. Konstantakos (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), *Talking animals and the beginnings of the *Märchenkomödie

16:00 Discussion

16:30 Coffee Break

17:00 Prof. A. Petrides (Open University of Cyprus), *Menander’s *Leucadia *: issues of interpretation and aspects of modern reception*

17:30 Discussion

*Saturday, 9th November 2019*

09:45 Beginning of the works

*Fourth Session: Philosophical and Historical Fragments in Context *

10:00 Prof. Dr. I. Männlein-Robert (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), *The old gods in fragments or how to deconstruct an enemy: Eusebius's handling of Porphyry's *Περὶ ἀγαλμάτων

10:30 Dr. E. Lupi (Leibniz Universität Hannover), *Timeo nel frammento 50 Jacoby*

11:00 Discussion

11:30 Closing Remarks followed by a walking tour of Merano.

For any inquiry please do not hesitate to contact:

"Bodenaltertümer Westfalens": Neue Reihe bei den Propylaeum-eBOOKS

19. Juni 2019, Katrin Bemmann - Aktuelles

"August Stieren (Hrsg.): Bodenaltertümer Westfalens. Ein Bericht über Grabungen und Funde für die Jahre 1925 bis 1928" steht als erster Band der Reihe "Bodenaltertümer Westfalens", herausgegeben vom Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, bei den Propylaeum-eBOOKS online zum Download bereit. Die "Bodenaltertümer Westfalens" werden sukzessive retrodigitalisiert und im Open Access online verfügbar gemacht. Perspektivisch sollen neu veröffentlichte Bände zeitgleich im Print und online bei den Propylaeum-eBOOKS erscheinen. In der in unregelmäßigen Abständen herausgegebenen Reihe werden in Form von Monographien oder Sammelbänden Forschungsergebnisse der westfälischen Bodendenkmalpflege publiziert. Dabei werden vom Paläolithikum bis ins Frühmittelalter alle Epochen behandelt.

Jetzt mehr als 3000 Rezensionen auf recensio.antiquitatis online!

13. Juni 2019, Katrin Bemmann - Aktuelles

Auf recensio.antiquitatis, der altertumswissenschaftlichen Rezensionsplattform von Propylaeum, die gemeinsam von der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek und der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg betrieben wird, stehen aktuell bereits über 3000 Rezensionen im Open Access zum Download zur Verfügung.

recensio.antiquitatis bietet Fachzeitschriften aus dem Bereich der Altertumswissenschaften die Möglichkeit, ihre Rezensionsteile gesondert online stellen zu lassen. Alle Rezensionen erhalten zitierfähige DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) und werden mit den Angaben zum rezensierten Werk verknüpft.

Zur Zeit werden die Rezensionen der Zeitschriften Aegyptiaca, Archäologische Informationen, Arheologia Moldovei, Bonner Jahrbücher, Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg – Nachrichtenblatt der Landesdenkmalpflege, Forum Classicum, Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg, Germania, Museum Helveticum, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, Plekos. Elektronische Zeitschrift für Rezensionen und Berichte zur Erforschung der Spätantike und Propylaeum-DOK in „recensio.antiquitatis“ eingepflegt.

Weitere Kooperationen sind geplant.
Sollten auch Sie Interesse an einer Kooperation mit recensio.antiquitatis haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an das Team von Propylaeum.

"Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie in Baden-Württemberg": Neue Reihe in Propylaeum-eBOOKS

13. Juni 2019, Katrin Bemmann - Aktuelles

Als erster Band der Reihe "Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie in Baden-Württemberg", die vom Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart herausgegeben wird, steht jetzt auch die Dissertation von Lars Blöck "Die römerzeitliche Besiedlung im rechten südlichen Oberrheingebiet" im Open Access zum Download zur Verfügung.
Blöck untersucht die römische Besiedlung im südlichsten Abschnitt des rechten Oberrheingebiets zwischen Kaiserstuhl, Schwarzwald und der in den Hochrhein entwässernden Alb. Die Untersuchung basiert auf 750 römerzeitlichen Plätzen aus diesem Gebiet, die katalogartig erfasst und bewertet sind.

In der Reihe „Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie in Baden-Württemberg“ erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände zu Themen aller Zeitstufen der Vor- und Frühgeschichte, der Provinzialrömischen Archäologie und des Mittelalters bis hin zur frühen Neuzeit. Sie präsentieren die Ergebnisse von Ausgrabungen und Forschungen der baden-württembergischen Landesarchäologie. Vergriffene Bände werden jetzt bei den Proylaeum-eBOOKS zum Download bereit gestellt.