Acquisition Profile
Building on the former special subject collections of the Bavarian State Library in Munich and Heidelberg University Library, the Specialized Information Service for Ancient Studies acquires printed and electronic specialist literature on all relevant areas of ancient studies with the support of the DFG.
E-books and databases are available to users nationwide under certain access conditions. Further information on our digital services can be found here.
Printed specialized literature is acquired at the Bavarian State Library and Heidelberg University Library as part of a coordinated acquisition profile and made available nationwide.
Our new acquisitions services offer subscription and search functions for newly acquired titles. You can use our Digital Books by Request and other request book forms to notify us of additional titles you require. Printed specialised literature can be made available at your location via interlibrary loan and document delivery services.

Ancient History, Greek Philology, Classical, Medieval and Neo-Latin Philology
The collection development at the Bavarian State Library concentrates on the special scientific needs of these disciplines related to Greco-Roman culture and its aftermath and also includes the auxiliary sciences of history (including Numismatics, Epigraphy and Papyrology). Information resources on Latin language and literature are collected by the BSB from all epochs.

Assyriology, Hittitology and Near Eastern Archaeology
This profile area has been managed by the Bavarian State Library since 2019 and includes monographs and journals for specialized academic needs in the field of Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Acquisitions in this area are carried out in cooperation with the FID Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Studies (ULB Saxony-Anhalt / Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg).

Byzantine Studies
The acquisitions at the Bavarian State Library cover all aspects of the literature, history and culture of the Byzantine Empire up to 1453 A.D. Specialized literature on Byzantine archaeology is also acquired.

Classical Archaeology
For Classical Archaeology, Heidelberg University Library acquires the relevant specialist literature on Classical (Greco-Roman) Archaeology. This includes precursors of classical antiquity, such as the Minoan and Mycenaean cultures, but also Etruscology and Provincial Roman Archaeology. General and theoretical literature on the subject of archaeology is collected as well.

The research literature on Ancient (Pharaonic) Egypt acquired by the Heidelberg University Library as part of the FID covers all aspects of Pharaonic civilisation, such as writing, language, art, archaeology, history, etc. As the temporal overlap with related subject areas (prehistory and early history, ancient history) is fluid, the FID concentrates on the period from around 4000 BC to around the birth of Christ (as well as the Coptic language and literature of Christian Egypt).

Prehistory and Early History
For this archaeological discipline, the Bavarian State Library provides publications on the study of European human history from its beginnings to the start of the Middle Ages. This acquisition area also includes research literature on Celtic studies (antiquity).