
Propylaeum is the “Specialized Information Service Ancient Studies” (FID) provided by the Heidelberg University Library and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich. It is closely aligned with the scientific needs of the researchers. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) supports the developement of our services  “search technology”, “electronic publishing / Open Access”, “retro digitization and online presentation of research related media” as well as “science communication”.


Use PropylaeumSEARCH for searching and findig literature in the field of Ancient Studies. On this site we provide further services for researchers.

Propylaeum – Publishing

Propylaeum supports the Open Access publishing model for distributing research results. Open source software is used to release eJournals, eBooks and scientific papers. We publish primary publications (“gold”) as well as secondary publications (“green”). This offer free of charge addresses researchers in the field of Classical Studies all over the world.


Propylaeum-DOK: Latest Entries

  • Frey, Otto-Herman (1983) 1. Eva Hanschmann und Vladimir Milojčić: Die deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Argissa-Magula in Thessalien III. Die frühe und beginnende Mittlere Bronzezeit. Teil I (Text); Teil II (Katalog, Tafeln und Beilagen) 2. Vladimir Milojčić, Angela von den Driesch, Kurt Enderle, Johanna Milojčić-v.Zumbusch, Klaus Kilian: Magulen um Larisa in Thessalien 1966. Agia Sofia-Magula; Karagyös-Magula; Bunar Baschi. In: Gnomon, 55 (1983), pp. 53-56
  • Frey, Otto-Herman (1986) Sviluppo urbano celtico in Italia del nord. In: Atti / Convegno Archeologico Regionale. Regione Lombardia, Settore Cultura e Informazione; Società Archeologica Comense, Bd. 2. Como 1986, pp. 333-337
  • Frey, Otto-Herman (1971) Die Goldschale von Schwarzenbach. In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Archäologie, 1 (1971), Nr. 2. pp. 85-100
  • Frey, Otto-Herman (1971) Das keltische Schwert von Moscano di Fabriano. In: Hamburger Beiträge zur Archäologie, 1 (1971), Nr. 2. pp. 173-179
  • Frey, Otto-Herman (1984) Jugoslawien unter dem Einfluß der griechischen Kolonisation. In: Grothusen, Klaus-Detlev (Hrsg.): Jugoslawien. Integrationsprobleme in Geschichte und Gegenwart; Beiträge des Südosteuropa-Arbeitskreises der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft zum V. Internationalen Südosteuropa-Kongreß der Association Internationale d'Etudes du Sud-Est Européen. Göttingen 1984, pp. 29-48