
recensio.antiquitatis is the scientific review platform of Propylaeum for reviews of publications on Ancient Studies. It is published by the Bavarian State Library and the Heidelberg University Library.

So far, the review sections of renowned scientific journals such as the Bonner Jahrbücher, the Forum Classicum or the Museum Helveticum are online at recensio.antiquitatis.

All reviews on recensio.antiquitatis receive citable DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) and are linked to the information on the reviewed publication. The aim of the Open Access Review Platform is to make Classical Studies reviews more accessible and faster and easier to find via national and international databases.

Concept and software were developed by the Bavarian State Library (BSB) Munich, the University of Cologne and the Leibniz Institute for European History (Mainz) for - review platform for European History and have been adapted for Propylaeum. By conducting a cross-platform search, it is possible to search the content of recensio.antiquitatis simultaneously with that of

If you are an editor of a classical journal and want to make your reviews more easily accessible, or if you want to publish your reviews online, then contact us.