Integrated data sources in PropylaeumSEARCH

Bibliographical databases

Aegyptiaca: Literature Database of the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology Münster

Aegyptiaca, the literature database of the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology of the WWU Münster comprises all acquisitions made by the institute since 1987. This includes information on journals and series by the use of keywords. Retrospective work (aiming at the year 1822) continually supplements the database.
Stock: ca. 128.500 records (March 2023)

Bavarian State Library (BSB): Research documentation of manuscripts

Since around 1950 the Bavarian State Library has been documenting research publications on the collections of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books. This documentation is based on systematic evaluation of the library’s acquisitions (special prints, specimen copies, monographs and journals) and recently also on retrospective analysis of full text journals and databases.
Funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation), in 2003 the 113.000 records of the old card catalogue (“Literaturkatalog”) were digitized and integrated into the database.
The database is constantly enhanced by ongoing evaluation work.
Stock: ca. 56.000 records (March 2023)

Gnomon Bibliographic Database (GBD)

The Gnomon Bibliographic Database (GBD) is one of the most extensive database systems in Classical Studies, comprising specialized literature and publications on the history of scholarship. The GBD was founded in 1991 by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Malitz (Eichstätt) and includes monographs, anthologies, articles in journals, reviews and encyclopaedias in all relevant academic languages searchable in detail with a comprehensive multilingual thesaurus (currently ca. 25.000 keywords).
Stock: ca. 755.500 records (March 2023)

OLC-SSG: Online Contents Classics

The database OLC-SSG Online Contents Classics provides access to the tables of contents of journals in the field of Classical Studies, especially Greek and Latin Philology, Classical Archaeology, Pre- and Early History, Ancient History and Egyptology.
Stock: ca. 170.000 records (March 2023)