5. Tools

5.1 Allgemein

Burns, P. J. (2019): Building a Text Analysis Pipeline for Classical Languages. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 159-176. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)


5.2 Semantische Korpusanalyse, Text Mining und Kookkurrenzanalyse

Bjerva, J. / Praet, R. (2015): Word Embeddings Pointing the Way for Late Antiquity. In: Proceedings of the 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH). Association for Computational Linguistics, 53-57.

Boschetti, F. (2019): Semantic Analysis and Thematic Annotation. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 321-340. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)

Bräckel, O. (2017): Perser, Meder und Parther im Spiegel der Quellen. In: Digital Classics Online 3.1, S. 44-61.

Brandt, S.-P. (2018): κριθή oder πυρός? – Eine systematische Annäherung an den Getreideanbau im klassischen Athen mit Hilfe der Kookkurrenzanalyse von eAQUA und den Word Frequency Statistics der Perseus Digital Library. In: Digital Classics Online 4.2, S. 64-93.

Denooz, J. (2007): „Opera Latina”: le nouveau site internet du LASLA. In: Citti, F. / Del Vecchio, T. (Hg.): Papers on grammar. 9, 3. From manuscript to digital text: problems of interpretation and markup. Proceedings of the colloquium (Bologna, june 12th 2003). Roma: Herder, S. 21–33.

Elwert, F. / Gerhards, S. / Sellmer, S. (2017): Social Networks in Late Hellenistic Northern Etruria: From a multicultural society to a society of partial identities. In: Digital Classics Online 3.2, S. 138-159.

Jordanous, A. / Stanley, A. / Tupman, C. (2012): Contemporary transformation of ancient documents for recording and retrieving maximum information: when one form of markup is not enough. In: Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2012.

Jordanous, A. / Lawrence, K. F. / Hedges, M. / Tupman, C. (2012): Exploring Manuscripts: Sharing Ancient Wisdoms Across the Semantic Web. In: Proceedings of the 2Nd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, New York, S. 44.1–44.12.

Kath, R. (2017): Editorial. In: Digital Classics Online 3.1, S. 1-10.

Meins, F. (2017): Anacharsis in der Diskussion über das Kriterion der Wahrheit in Sextus Empiricus‘ Adversus Mathematicos: Versuch einer Erläuterung mit Hilfe verschiedener Tools zur Visualisierung von Kookkurrenzen (eAQUA/eXChange TagPies). In: Digital Classics Online 3.1, S. 62-82.

Munson, M. (2017): Biblical semantics: applying digital methods for semantic information extraction to current problems in New Testament studies. Aachen: Shaker. (= Theologische Studien)

Rafiyenko, D. (2016): „Gicht“ im Altgriechischen. Korpus-basierte Studie (“Gout” in Ancient Greek. Corpus-based study). In: Digital Classics Online 2.1, S. 6-31.

Rodda, M. A. / Lenci, A. / Senaldi, M. S. G. (2017): Panta rei: Tracking Semantic Change with Distributional Semantics in Ancient Greek. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 3.1, S. 11-24.

Roeder, T. (2017): Mapping the Words: Experimental visualizations of translation structures between Ancient Greek and Classical Arabic. In: Digital Classics Online 3.2, S. 103-123.

Rücker, M. (2017): Die Hüter des Hades. Zur Bedeutung und Interpretation der homerischen Kimmerier. In: Digital Classics Online 3.1, S. 19-43.

Schubert, C. (2010): Zitationsprofile, Suchstrategien und Forschungsrichtungen. In: Das Portal eAQUA – Neue Methoden in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung I, Working Papers Contested Order No.1.

Schubert, C. (2010): Neue Methoden der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung. Eine Einführung in das Portal eAQUA (zus. mit G. Heyer). In: Das Portal eAQUA – Neue Methoden in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung I, Working Papers Contested Order No.1.

Schubert, C. (2011): Detailed description of eAQUA search portal. In: Das Portal eAQUA – Neue Methoden in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung II, Working Papers Contested Order No.3.

Schubert, C. (2012): Zitate und Fragmente: Die kulturelle Praxis des Zitierens im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. In: Das Portal eAQUA – Neue Methoden in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung III, Working Papers Contested Order No.7.

Schubert, C. / Willkommen, C. (2012): Plutarchs Schrift De malignitate Herodoti. In: Das Portal eAQUA – Neue Methoden in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung III, Working Papers Contested Order No.7. (http://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/eaqua-wp)

Schubert, C. (2018): Quellen zur Antike im Zeitalter der Digitalität: Kookkurrenzen, Graphen und Netzwerke. In: Huber, M. / Krämer, S. (Hg.): Wie Digitalität die Geisteswissenschaft verändert: Neue Forschungsgegenstände und Methoden. Wolfenbüttel: Zeitschrift für Digitale Geisteswissenschaften.  Sonderband 3. (http://zfdg.de/sonderbaende/003)

Wöckener-Gade, E. (2017): Wann ist ein terminus technicus ein terminus technicus? – Das Beispiel àτρεμής im Corpus Hippocraticum. In: Digital Classics Online 3.1, S. 11-18.


5.3 Textvergleich (Paraphrasen, Zitate, Intertextualität) und Rezeptionsforschung

Berti, M. et al. (2016): Documenting Homeric text-reuse in the “Deipnosophistae” of Athenaeus of Naucratis. In: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 59, S. 121–139.

Blackwell, C. W. (2017): Beyond Screenshots: Machine-Actionable, Canonical, Semantic Citation of Graphed Data. In: Digital Classics Online 3.3, S. 4-23.

Bräckel, O. / Kahl, H. / Meins, F. / Schubert, C. (2019): eComparatio – a Software Tool for Automatic Text Comparison. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 221-238. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)

Coffee, N. / Koenig, J.-P. / Poornima, S. / Forstall, C. W. / Ossewaarde, R. / Jacobson, S. L. (2013): The Tesserae Project: intertextual analysis of Latin poetry. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing 28.2, S. 221–228.

Coffee, N. (2018): An Agenda for the Study of Intertextuality. TAPA 148:1, 205-223.

Coffee, N. (2019): Intertextuality as Viral Phrases: Roses and Lilies. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 177-200. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)

Lee, J. (2007): A Computational Model of Text Reuse in Ancient Literary Texts. In: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, Prag: Association for Computational Linguistics, S. 472–479.

Manca, M., Spinazzè, L., Mastandrea, P. / Tessarolo, L. (2011): Musique Deoque: Text Retrieval on Critical Editions. Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics, 26.2, S. 129–140.

Mastandrea, P. / Spinazzè, L. (2011): Nuovi archivi e mezzi d’analisi per i testi poetici: i lavori del progetto Musisque Deoque, Venezia, 21-23 giugno 2010. Amsterdam: Adolf Hakkert.

Murai, H. / Tokosumi, A. (2005): A Network Analysis of Hermeneutic Documents Based on Bible Citations. In Bara, B. G. /  Barsalou, L. / Bucciarelli, M. (Hg.): CogSci 2005, S. 1565–1570.

Pöckelmann, M. / Ritter, J. / Wöckener-Gade, E. / Schubert, C. (2017): Paraphrasensuche mittels word2vec und der Word Mover’s Distance im Altgriechischen. In: Digital Classics Online 3.3, S. 24-36.

Romanello, M. / Berti, M. / Babeu, A. / Crane, G. (2009): When printed hypertexts go digital: information extraction from the parsing of indices. Torino: ACM, S. 357–358.

Romanello, M. / Boschetti, F. / Crane, G. (2009): Citations in the digital library of classics: extracting canonical references by using conditional random fields. In: Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries, NLPIR4DL ’09, Morristown, S. 80–87.

Romanello, M. / Pasin, M. (2011): An Ontological View of Canonical Citations. In: Digital humanities 2011: conference abstracts, Stanford, S. 216–218.

Romanello, M. (2013): Creating an Annotated Corpus for Extracting Canonical Citations from Classics-Related Texts by Using Active Annotation. In: Gelbukh, A. (Hg.): Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. 14th International Conference, CICLing 2013, Samos, Greece, March 24-30, 2013, Proceedings, Part I, volume 1 of Lecture Notes. In: Computer Science. Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer, S. 60–76.

Romanello, M. (2015): From Index Locorum to Citation Network: an Approach to the Automatic Extraction of Canonical References and its Applications to the Study of Classical Texts. Diss. London.

Rücker, M. (2019): "DAS MEER ALS ZERSTÖRER". In: Digital Classics Online 5.1 (2019), S. 34-49.
Smith, N. (2009): Citation in Classical Studies. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 3.1.


5.4 Close und Distant Reading

Nunn, C. (2016): References in the correspondence of Augustine: chances and boundaries of digital “Distant Reading” processes. In: Revue d’Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques 62, S. 223–233.

Schubert, C. (2014): Tagungsbericht: Close Reading and Distant Reading. Methoden der Altertumswissenschaften in der Gegenwart.

Schubert, C. (2015): Close Reading und Distant Reading. Methoden der Altertumswissenschaften in der Gegenwart. In: Digital Classics Online 1.1, S. 1-6.


5.5 Named Entity Recognition, Lemmatisierung und morphosyntaktische Analyse

Bamman, D. / Passarotti, M. / Crane, G. / Raynaud, R. (2007): Guidelines for the Syntactic Annotation of Latin Treebanks.

Bamman, D. / Crane, G. (2011): The Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebank. In: Sporleder, C. / van Den Bosch, A. / Zervanou, K. (Hg.): Language Technology for Cultural Heritage. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 79-89.

Budassi, M. / Passarotti, M. (2016): Nomen Omen. Enhancing the Latin Morphological Analyser Lemlat with an Onomasticon. In: Proceedings of the 10th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH). Association for Computational Linguistics, 90-94.

Cecchini, F. M. / Passarotti, M. / Marongiu, P. / Zeman, D (2018): Challenges in Converting the Index Thomisticus Treebank into Universal Dependencies. In: De Marneffe, M.-C. / Lynn, T. / Schuster, S. (Hg.): Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2018), Bruxelles: The Association for Computational Linguistics, S. 27-36.

Celano, G. G. A. (2014): Guidelines for the Annotation of the Ancient Greek Dependency Treebank 2.0. (https://github.com/PerseusDL/treebank_data/edit/master/AGDT2/guidelines).

Celano, G. G. A. / Crane, G. (2015): Semantic Role Annotation in the Ancient Greek Dependency Treebank. In: Markus, D. / Hinrichs, E. / Patejuk, A. / Przepiorkowski, A. (Hg.): Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and linguistic Theories (TLT14). Warszawa: Institute of Computer Science, 26-34.

Celano, G. G. A / Crane, G. / Majidi, S. (2016): Part of Speech Tagging for Ancient Greek. Open Linguistics 2:1, 393-399. (DOI: 10.1515/opli-2016-0020)

Celano, G. G. A. (2018): An Automatic Morphological Annotation and Lemmatization for the IDP Papyri. In: Reggiani, N. (ed.): Digital Papyrology II. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 139-148.

Celano, Giuseppe G. A. (2019): The Dependency Treebanks for Ancient Greek and Latin. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 279-298. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)

Crane, G. (1991): Generating and Parsing Classical Greek. Literary and Linguistic Computing 6, S. 243-245.

Eger, S. / Gleim, R. / Mehler, A. (2016): Lemmatization and Morphological Tagging in German and Latin: A Comparison and a Survey of the State-of-the-art. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). European Language Resources Association, 23-28.

Eger, S. / Vor der Brück, T. / Mehler, A. (2015): Lexicon-assisted Tagging and Lemmatization in Latin: A Comparison of Six Taggers and Two Lemmatization Methods. In: Proceedings of the 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH). Association for Computational Linguistics, 105-113.

Erdmann, A. / Brown, C. / Joseph, B. / Janse, M. / Ajaka, P. / Elsner, M. / de Marneffe, M.-C. (2016): Challenges and Solutions for Latin Named Entity Recognition. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LTD4DH). The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee, 85-93.

Franzini, G. / Peverelli, A. / Ruffolo, P. / Passarotti, M. / Sanna, H. / Signoroni, E. / Ventura, V. / Zampedri, F. (2019): Nunc Est Aestimandum: Towards an Evaluation of the Latin WordNet. In: Bernardi, R. / Navigli, R. / Semeraro, G. (Hg.) Proceedings of the Sixth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2019), 13-15 November, Bari.

González Saavedra, B. / Passarotti, M. (2014): Challenges in Enhancing the Index Thomisticus Treebank with Semantic and Pragmatic Annotation. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT-13). Tübingen, Germany: Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen, S. 265-270.

Haug, D. / Jøhndal, M. (2008): Creating a Parallel Treebank of the Old Indo-European Bible Translations. In: Ribarov, K. / Sporleder, C. (Hg.): Proceedings of the Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data Workshop (LaTeCH 2008). Marrakech, Morocco: ELRA, S. 27-34.

Litta, E. / Passarotti, M. / Culy, C. (2016): Formatio formosa est. Building a Word Formation Lexicon for Latin. In: Corazza, A. / Montemagni, S. / Semeraro, G. (Hs.): Proceedings of the Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016). Naples: Accademia University Press, Collana dell’ Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale. Vol. 2, S. 185-189.

Litta, E. / Passarotti, M. / Mambrini, F. (2019): The Treatment of Word Formation in the LiLa Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin. In Žabokrtský, Z. / Ševčíková, M. / Litta, E. / Passarotti, M. (Hg.): Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology (DeriMo 2019), 19-20 September, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics. Prague, S. 35-43.

Mambrini F., Passarotti M. (2019): Linked Open Treebanks. Interlinking Syntactically Annotated Corpora in the LiLa Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin. In: Candito, M. / Gerdes, K. / Kahane, S. / Seddah, D. / Chen, X. / Ferrer-i-Cancho, R. / Rademaker, A. / Tyers, F. (Hg.): Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT, SyntaxFest 2019), 28-29 August, Association for Computational Linguistics, Paris, France, S. 74-81.

Martens, S. / Passarotti, M. (2014): Thomas Aquinas in the TüNDRA: Integrating the Index Thomisticus Treebank into CLARIN-D. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014). Reykjavik: ELRA, S. 767-774.

McGillivray, B. / Passarotti, M. / Ruffolo, P. (2009): The Index Thomisticus Treebank Project: Annotation, Parsing and Valency Lexicon. Traitement Automatique des Langues 2009, S. 103-127.

McGillivray, B. / Passarotti, M. (2009): The Development of the Index Thomisticus Treebank Valency Lexicon. In: Proceedings of LaTeCH-SHELT&R Workshop 2009. Athens: ACL, S. 43-50.

McGillivray, B. (2013): Methods in Latin Computational Linguistics. Leiden and Boston: Brill.

Minozzi, S. (2009): The Latin WordNet Project. In: Anreiter, P. / Kienpointner, M. (Hg.): Latin Linguistics Today. Akten des 15. Internationalem Kolloquiums zur Lateinischen Linguistik. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck, S. 707-716.

O’Donnell, M. B. (2005): Corpus Linguistics & The Greek of the New Testament. Seffield, TN: Sheffield Phoenix Press.

Ouvrard, Y. (2010): Collatinus, lemmatiseur et analyseur morphologique de la langue latine. Études de linguistique appliquée 158:2, 223-230.

Passarotti, M. (2007): LEMLAT: uno strumento per la lemmatizzazione morfologica  utomatic del latino. In: Citti, F. / Del Vecchio, T. (Hg.): Papers on grammar. 9, 3. From manuscript to digital text: problems of interpretation and markup. Proceedings of the colloquium (Bologna, june 12th 2003). Roma: Herder, S. 107–128.

Passarotti, M. (2010): Leaving Behind the Less-Resourced Status. The Case of Latin through the Experience of the Index Thomisticus Treebank. In: 7th SaLTMiL Workshop on Creation and Use of Basic Lexical Resources for Less-Resourced Languages (LREC). In: European Language Resources Association, S. 27-32.

Passarotti, M. (2011): The State of the Art of Latin and the Index Thomisticus Treebank Project. In: Ortola, M.  (Hg.): Corpus Anciens et Bases de Données, ALIENTO. Échanges Sapientiels en Méditerranée 2, 301-320.

Passarotti, M. / Gonzáles Saavedra, B. (2015): Guidelines for Tectogrammatical Annotation of Latin Treebanks: The Treatment of some Specific Constructions.

Passarotti, M. (2016): Rules of Annotation for the Analytical Layer of the Index Thomisticus Treebank. (https://itreebank.marginalia.it/doc/Guidelines_analytical_latin_specific-constructions.pdf).

Passarotti, M. / González Saavedra, B. / Onambele, C. (2016): Latin Vallex. A Treebank-based Semantic Valency Lexicon for Latin. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). Portorož: ELRA, S. 2599-2606.

Passarotti, M. / Litta, E. / Budassi, M. / Ruffolo, P. (2017): The Lemlat 3.0 Package for Morphological Analysis of Latin. In: Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Processing Historical Language. Linköping University Electronic Press, S. 24-31.

Passarotti, M / González Saavedra, B. (2018): The Treebanked Conspiracy. Actors and Actions in Bellum Catilinae. In: J. Hajič (Hg.): Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT16). Prague: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, S. 18-26.

Passarotti, M. (2019): The Project of the Index Thomisticus Treebank. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 299-320. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)

Passarotti, M. / Mambrini, F. (2019): Harmonizing Different Lemmatization Strategies for Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin. In: Friedrich, A. / Zeyrek, D. (Hg.): Proceedings of the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW XIII), 1 August, Florence: Association for Computational Linguistics, S. 71-80.

Passarotti, M. / Cecchini, F. M. / Litta, E. / Franzini, G. / Mambrini, F. / Ruffolo, P. (2019): LiLa: Linking Latin – A Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools. 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019). 20-23 May, Leipzig: University of Leipzig.

Ponti, E. M. / Passarotti, M. (2016): Differentia compositionem facit. A Slower-Paced and Reliable Parser for Latin. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). Portorož: ELRA, S. 683-688.

Springmann, U. / Schmid, H. / Najock, D. (2016): LatMor: A Latin Finite-State Morphology Encoding Vowel Quantity. In: Celano, G. / Crane, G. (Hg.): Treebanking and Ancient Languages: Current and Prospective Research (Topical Issue). Open Linguistics 2.1, 386-392.

Sprugnoli, R. / Passarotti, M. / Moretti, G. (2019): Vir is to Moderatus as Mulier is to Intemperans – Lemma Embeddings for Latin. In: Bernardi, R. / Navigli, R. / Semeraro, G. (Hg.): Proceedings of the Sixth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2019), 13-15 November, Bari.

Vierros, M. / Henriksson, E. (2017): Preprocessing Greek Papyri for Linguistic Annotation. In: Büchler, M. / Mellerin, L. (Hg.): Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities. Special Issue on Computer-Aided Processing of Inter-textuality in Ancient Languages.

Vierros, M. (2018): Linguistic Annotation of the Digital Papyrological Corpus: Sematia. In: Reggiani, N. (Hg.): Digital Papyrology II. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 105-118.

Winge, J. (2015): Automatic Annotation of Latin Vowel Length. Bachelor’s Thesis in Language Technology. Uppsala University: Department of Linguistics and Philology.


5.6 Indices und Wörterbücher

Bamman, D. / Crane, G. R. (2008): Building a Dynamic Lexicon from a Digital Library. In: Larsen / Paepke, A. / Borbinha, J. / Naaman, M. (Hg.): Proceedings of JCDL’08, Pittsburgh, PA, June 16-20, 2008. New York, NY: ACM.

Berti, M. / Crane, G. R. / Yousef, T. / Bizzoni, Y. / Boschetti, F. / Del Gratta, R. (2016): Ancient Greek WordNet meets the Dynamic Lexicon: The Example of the Fragments of the Greek Historians. In: Mititelu, V. B. / Forăscu, C. / Fellbaum, C. / Vossen,  P. (Hg.): Proceedings of the Eighth Global WordNet Conference, Bucharest, Romania, January 27-30, 2016, S. 34-38.

Bizzoni, Y. / Boschetti, F. / Del Gratta, R. / Diakoff, H. / Monachini, M. / Crane, G. R. (2014): The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet. In: Calzolari, N. / Choukri, K. / Declerck, T. / Loftsson, H. / Maegaard, B. / Mariani, J. / Moreno, A. / Odijk, J. / Piperidis, S. (Hg.): Proceedings of LREC 2014. Reykjavik: ELRA, S. 1140-1147.

Hillen, M. (2007): Finishing the “TLL” in the digital age: opportunities, challenges, risks. In: Transactions  ft he American Philological Association 137, S. 491–495.

Richardson, J. (2005): Indexing Roman imperialism. In: The Indexer, 24.3, S. 138–140.

Scholl, R. (2016): Mehrsprachiges Online Wörterbuch zum Fachwortschatz der Verwaltungssprache des griechisch-römisch-byzantinischen Ägypten. In: Digital Classics Online 2.1, S. 88-93.

Scholl, R. / Weilbach, C. (2016): Mehrsprachiges online-Wörterbuch zum Fachwortschatz der Verwaltungssprache des griechisch-römisch-byzantinischen Ägypten: das neue Fachwörterbuch (nFWB). In: Digital Classics Online 2.2, S. 78-91.

Winter, T. (1999): Roberto Busa, S.J., and the Invention of the Machine-Generated Concordance. The Classical Bulletin, 75.1; S. 3–20.


5.7 Linguistische, syntaktische und stilistische Analysen

Bubenhofer, N. / Dreesen P. (2018): Linguistik als antifragile Disziplin? Optionen in der digitalen Transformation. In: Digital Classics Online 4.1, S. 63-75.

Field, A. (2016): An Automated Approach to Syntax-based Analysis of Classical Latin. In: Digital Classics Online 2,3, S. 57-78.

Jan Horstmann (2019): Stilometrie mit Stylo. In: forTEXT. Literatur digital erforschen. (https://fortext.net/routinen/lerneinheiten/stilometrie-mit-stylo)

Kirby, T. (2016): A Computational Method for Comparative Greek and Latin Prosimetrics. Thesis. Sarasota, FL: New College of Florida.

Papakitsos, E. C. (2010): Computerized Scansion of Ancient Greek Hexameter. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing 26:1, 57-69.

Toufexis, N. (2010): One era’s nonsense, another’s norm: diachronic study of Greek and the computer. In: Bodard, G. / Mahony, S. (Hg.): Digital research in the study of classical antiquity. Farnham: Ashgate, S. 105–118. (= Digital research in the arts and humanities)


5.8 Visual Analytics

Brandt, S. / Schubert, C. (2017): Der Protreptikos des Iamblich: Rekonstruktion, Refragmentisierung und Kontextualisierung mit Textmining. Heidelberg: Propylaeum. (= Digital Classics Books)

Bräcke, O. / Schubert, C. / Willkommen, C. (2013): Visualisierung und Wissensrepräsentation: Die kleisthenische Phylenreform. In: Das Portal eAQUA – Neue Methoden in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung V, Working Papers Contested Order No.10.

Roeder, T. (2017): Mapping the Words: Experimental visualizations of translation structures between Ancient Greek and Classical Arabic. In: Digital Classics Online 3.2, S. 103-123.

Roughan, C. (2016): Digital Texts and Diagrams: Representing the Transmission of Euclid’s Elements. In: Digital Classics Online 2.1, S. 32-48.

Schaal, G. S. / Lancaster, K. (2016): Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte? Visualisierungen in den Digital Humanities. In: Digital Classics Online 2,3, S. 5-22.

Schubert, C. (2016): Die Visualisierung von Quellennetzwerken am Beispiel Plutarchs. In: Digital Classics Online 2.1, S. 68-87.

Schubert, C. (2019): Visualisierung von Textdaten: Die Falle der Metadaten am Beispiel von Iamblichs Protreptikos. In: Digital Classics Online 5.1, S. 4-21.