7. Editionsprojekte

7.1 Einzelprojekte

Díez Platas, F. / Meilán Jácome, P. (2017): La “Biblioteca Digital Ovidiana”: una plataforma digital para la obra ilustrada de Ovidio. In: Villa Polo, J. de la et al. (Hg.): “Conuentus classicorum”: temas y formas del mundo clásico. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos. Vol. 1, S. 793-801.

Ebbott, M. (2009): Text and technologies: the “Iliad” and the Venetus A. In: Dué, C. (Hg.): Recapturing a Homeric legacy. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Pr., S. 31–55. (= Hellenic Studies)

Elliott, T. (2008): Constructing a digital edition for the Peutinger map. In: Talbert, R. J. A. / Unger, R. W. (Hg.): Cartography in antiquity and the Middle Ages: fresh perspectives, new methods. Leiden / Boston (Mass.): Brill, S. 99–110. (= Technology and change in history)

Mernitz, M. (2016): The Digital Hill Project. Sources on the Revolt of Samos. In: Digital Classics Online 2,3, S. 33-56.

Mondin, L. / Tessarolo, L. (2007): Il programma LAPIs: versione per i “Carmina Latina Epigraphica”. In: Citti, F. / Del Vecchio, T. (Hg.): Papers on grammar. 9, 3. From manuscript to digital text: problems of interpretation and markup. Proceedings of the colloquium (Bologna, june 12th 2003). Roma: Herder, S. 93–105.

Montanari, F. (2005): The Aristarchus proyect on line (www.aristarchus.unige.it ):Electronic tools for classical philology. In: Synthesis 12, S. 11-17.

Mugelli, G. et al. (2016): A user-centred design to annotate ritual facts in ancient Greek tragedies. In: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 59, S. 103–120.

Muir, B. J. / Turner, A. J. / Kennedy, N. (Hg.) (2011): A facsimile edition of Terence’s comedies: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Auct. F. 2. 13. Oxford / New York: Oxford University Pr. (= Bodleian digital texts)

Straßburger, K. (2018): Digital Fabius Pictor. In: Digital Classics Online 4.2, S. 21-36.

Tabacco, R. (2011): Introduzione: la tarda antichità latina tra i codici e il web. In: Aevum Antiquum N. S. 11, S. 3–17.

Talbert, R. J. A. (2008): Greek and Roman mapping: twenty-first century perspectives. In: Talbert, R. J. A. / Unger, R. W. (Hg.): Cartography in antiquity and the Middle Ages: fresh perspectives, new methods. Leiden / Boston (Mass.): Brill, S. 9–27. (= Technology and change in history)

Heslin, P. (2016): The Dream of a Universal Variorum: Digitizing the Commentary Tradition. In: Kraus, C. S. / Stray, C. (Hg.): Classical Commentaries: Explorations in a Scholarly Genre. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 494-511.


7.2 Codex Sinaticus

Brown, T. A. E. (2015): The digital Sinaiticus transcription: process and discover. In: McKendrick, S. / Parker, D. (Hg.): Codex sinaiticus: new perspectives on the ancient Biblical manuscript. London: British Library, S. 253–260.

Myshrall, A. (2015): The presence of a fourth scribe? In: McKendrick, S. / Parker, D. (Hg.): Codex sinaiticus: new perspectives on the ancient Biblical manuscript. London: British Library, S. 139–148.


7.3 Homer

Berti, M. et al. (2016): Documenting Homeric text-reuse in the “Deipnosophistae” of Athenaeus of Naucratis. In: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 59, S. 121–139.

Blackwell, C. W. (2017): Beyond Screenshots: Machine-Actionable, Canonical, Semantic Citation of Graphed Data. In: Digital Classics Online 3.3, S. 4-23.

Blackwell, C. W. / Smith, N. (2019): The CITE Architecture: a Conceptual and Practical Overview. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 73-94. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)

Christensen, J. P. (2011): Homeric scholarship in the digital age: in search of a “Homerikipedia”? In: The Classical Journal 107, S. 499–505.

Dué, C. / Ebbott, M. (2009): Digital Criticism: Editorial Standards for the Homer Multitext. In: Digital Humanities Quarterly 3: 1. (http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/003/1/000029/000029.html).

Dué, C. / Ebbott, M. (2010): Iliad 10 and the Poetics of Ambush: A Multitext Edition with Essays and Commentary. Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.

Dué, C. / Ebbott, M. (2014): An Introduction to the Homer Multitext Edition of the Venetus A manuscript of the Iliad. In: The Homer Multitext (http://www.homermultitext.org/manuscripts-papyri/VenA-Introduction-2014.html).

Dué, C. / Ebbott, M. (2016): The Homer Multitext and the System of Homeric Epic. Classics@14. (https://chs.harvard.edu/CHS/article/display/6524).

Dué, C. / Ebbott, M. (2019): The Homer Multitext within the History of Access to Homeric Epic. In: Berti, M. (Hg.): Digital Classical Philology. Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution. Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 239-256. (= Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft 10)

Smith, N. (2010): Digital infrastructure and the Homer Multitext Project. In: Bodard, G. / Mahony, S. (Hg.): Digital research in the study of classical antiquity. Farnham: Ashgate, S. 120–137. (= Digital research in the arts and humanities)


7.4 Herodot

Barker, E. (2010): Mapping an ancient historian in a digital age: the Herodotus Encoded Space-Text-Image Archive (HESTIA). In: Leeds International Classical Studies 9, S. 1-36.

Barker, E. / Isaksen, L. / Ogden, J. (2016): Telling stories with maps: digital experiments with Herodotean geography. In: Barker, Elton et al. (Hg.): New worlds from old texts: revisiting ancient space and place. Oxford: Oxford University Pr., S. 181–224.

Eide, Ø. (2016): Verbal expressions of geographical information. In: Barker, Elton et al. (Hg.): New worlds from old texts: revisiting ancient space and place. Oxford: Oxford University Pr., S. 301–318.

Pelling, C. (2016): A view from the boundary. In: Barker, Elton et al. (Hg.): New worlds from old texts: revisiting ancient space and place. Oxford: Oxford University Pr., S. 319–336.