Propylaeum Blog

479 Rezensionen aus Plekos auf recensio.antiquitatis

19. Juli 2019, Philipp Weiss - Aktuelles


Die ersten neunzehn Jahrgänge (1999-2017) der Rezensionszeitschrift Plekos wurden komplett auf recensio.antiquitatis eingespielt und können nun von den Nutzerinnen und Nutzern u. a. nach Epoche, Region und Thema durchsucht werden. Die Volltexte aller Rezensionen sind im Open Access verfügbar. Stöbern Sie hier auf der Zeitschriftenseite nach interessanten Buchbesprechungen aus dem Bereich der Spätantike.

Plekos ist eine Internet-Fachzeitschrift für Rezensionen und Berichte zur Erforschung der Spätantike. Plekos veröffentlicht wissenschaftliche Besprechungen zu Neuerscheinungen vor allem aus dem Bereich der spätantiken Geschichte, Philologie und Archäologie. Neben dem Schwerpunkt auf der Spätantike werden auch Publikationen aus Nachbardisziplinen und -epochen rezensiert, etwa solche zur römischen Kaiserzeit, zum Byzantinischen Reich, zum Kulturkreis des Oriens Christianus sowie zum frühen Mittelalter und zu den ersten islamischen Jahrhunderten. Besprechungen erscheinen in deutscher, englischer, französischer, italienischer und spanischer Sprache.

Monographien des RGZM: Neue Reihe bei den Propylaeum-eBOOKS

19. Juli 2019, Katrin Bemmann - Aktuelles

Nives Doneus (Hrsg.), Das kaiserzeitliche Gräberfeld von Halbturn, Burgenland ist als erste Publikation der Reihe Monographien des RGZM (Bd. 122,1-4) bei den Propylaeum-eBOOKS erschienen.
Das römerzeitliche Gräberfeld Halbturn I wurde durch systematische Ausgrabungen vollständig untersucht. Anhand des Fundmaterials wurde die Variabilität des Grabgebrauchs nachgewiesen, was sich an der Positionierung der Bestattungen und Bestatteten sowie der unterschiedlichen Ausgestaltung der Gräber feststellen lässt. Die Grabbeigaben bieten zudem wichtige Einblicke in das damalige Leben.
Der Titel erschien 2014 im Print beim Verlag des  Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz. Weitere Titel der Monographien des RGZM werden sukzessive bei den Propylaeum-eBOOKS online gestellt.

Workshop Digitales Edieren in der Klassischen Philologie

18. Juli 2019, Philipp Weiss - Aktuelles

Zeit: 25.-27.09.2019
Ort: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Ludwigstraße 16, 80539 München (Friedrich-von-Gärtner-Saal)


Mittwoch, 25.09.2019
14:00 bis 14:30 Uhr – Begrüßung und Einführung
14:30 bis 15:15 Uhr – Christoph Weilbach (Leipzig): Digitale Edition von Papyri und Ostraka aus den Sammlungen in Halle, Jena und Leipzig
15:15 bis 16:00 Uhr – Monica Berti (Leipzig): The Digital Marmor Parium: Materiality of ancient Greek fragmentary historiography
16:15 bis 17:00    Uhr – Theodor Costea, Martin Fechner, Nora Götze (Berlin): ediarum.EPIGRAPHY
17:00 bis 17:45 Uhr  – Johann Martin Thesz (Würzburg): Die Kriege Prokops in synoptischer Darstellung

Donnerstag, 26.09.2019
9:30 bis 10:15 Uhr – Uta Heil (Wien): Digital Critical Edition of the Expositiones in Psalmos of (Ps)Athanasius of Alexandria
10:15 bis 11:00 Uhr – Annette von Stockhausen (Berlin): Digitale Edition der Homilien Severians von Gabala
11:30 bis 12:15 Uhr – Michael Grünbart, Andreas Kuczera (Münster/Gießen): Census Epistularum Graecarum – Die Erfassung und Analyse der griechischen Briefüberlieferung in den Handschriften vom 8. bis zum 18. Jh.
12:15 bis 13:00 Uhr – Raimondo Tocci (Komotini): Wie sinnvoll sind Hybrideditionen byzantinischer Chroniken?
14:30 bis 15:00 Uhr – Arlette Neumann (Basel): Perspektive Schwabe Verlag
15:00 bis 15:30 Uhr – Paul De Jongh (Turnhout): Perspektive Brepols Verlag
16:00 bis 16:30 Uhr – Oliver Gasperlin (Tübingen): Perspektive Pagina Publikationstechnologien
16:30 bis 17:00 Uhr – Eckhart Arnold (München): Old Jobs – New Challenges. Producing, Providing and Sustaining Digital Scientific Literature
17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr – Paneldiskussion der Verlage

Freitag, 27.09.2019
9:30 bis 10:15 Uhr – Stefan Hagel, Wien: Perspektive Classical Text Editor
10:15 bis 11:00 Uhr – Torsten Schaßan (Wolfenbüttel): „Mehr als ein Dienstleister“: Die Rolle der Digital Humanities und der Infrastruktur für den Erfolg einer digitalen Edition
11:15 bis 12:00 Uhr – Claudia Fabian, Carolin Schreiber, Kerstin Hajdú (München): Das Handschriftenportal und seine Rolle für Editionsprojekte und Digital Humanities
12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr – Gemeinsame Abschlussrunde: Perspektiven / Themenportal

Für Interessierte wurde ein begrenztes Kontingent an Hotelzimmern zum Selbstkostenpreis reserviert.

Anmeldung bis zum 10.09.2019 erbeten an:



(Quelle: BSB-Hss Clm 6808)

5th Ancient Philosophy Workshop for Female Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers, Berlin, Dec 5-6, 2019

17. Juli 2019, Philipp Weiss - Aktuelles

We invite submissions by female graduate students and early career researchers (within five years of completion of their PhD) for the 5th Ancient Philosophy Workshop to be held on Dec 5-6, 2019 at the Humboldt University Berlin. This workshop is organised by Women in Ancient Philosophy and sponsored by the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences of the Humboldt University Berlin. Our goal is to provide young and highly talented female philosophers and classicists with the opportunity to present their work and interact with each other. Papers should be about 5000 words long. They can treat any topic in Ancient Philosophy; we aim to put together a selection of Presocratic, Platonic, Aristotelian and Hellenistic Philosophy. Papers will be blind-reviewed. Format of the workshop: this is a pre-read conference; sessions last 75 minutes (15 minutes summary of the paper + 60 minutes discussion). Accommodation and travel expenses up to 600 Euro will be covered for all speakers. Keynote Speaker: tba
The submission deadline is: 1st October 2019.

Please send the following to in .pdf format:
(1) A cover letter that contains (a) the author’s name, (b) institutional affiliation, (c) contact information, (d) the title of the paper, (e) a word count;
(2) The paper itself (around 5000 words including footnotes), including the title and a short abstract (no more than 250 words), with no information identifying the author or the author’s institutional affiliation. You will be notified of your status by the first week of November. Please contact us with any questions: Juliane Küppers (

Affiliated Research Project:
Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Hannoversche Str. 6
10115 Berlin

Schriften von Markus Asper: Neu bei Propylaeum-DOK

16. Juli 2019, Katrin Bemmann - Aktuelles

Ausgewählte Schriften von Markus Asper werden sukzessive auf Propylaeum-DOK sekundär im Open Access online gestellt.
Markus Asper studierte Klassische Philologie an den Universitäten Wien und Freiburg, in Freiburg wurde er 1994 promoviert. Nachdem er als Assistent an der Universität Konstanz tätig war, habilitierte er sich 2003 an der Universität Mainz. Nach Stellen an der Pennsylvania State University und dem Department of Classics der New York University ist er seit dem Frühjahr 2010 Professor für Gräzistik an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

"Arts, Crafts and Trades in Ancient and Byzantine Thessaloniki" von Anastassios Ch. Antonaras - neu bei den Propylaeum-eBOOKS

15. Juli 2019, Katrin Bemmann - Aktuelles

Der Titel "Arts, Crafts and Trades in Ancient and Byzantine Thessaloniki. Archaeological, Literary and Epigraphic Evidence" von Anastassios Ch. Antonaras, der 2. Band der Reihe "Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident", herausgegeben vom RGZM Mainz, wurde bei den Proylaeum-eBOOKS nach 2016 jetzt zum zweiten Mal aufgelegt.
Der Band steht nicht nur im Open Access zum Download zur Verfügung, sondern kann auch im Buchhandel als Printexemplar erworben werden.
In "Arts, Crafts and Trades in Ancient and Byzantine Thessaloniki" behandelt Anastassios Ch. Antonaras erstmalig das Handwerk und Kunsthandwerk Thessalonikis, der einstigen zweitgrößten Stadt des byzantinischen Reichs.

Call for Papers: The Layered Image. Its Phenomena and Constructions in Ancient Art

10. Juli 2019, Philipp Weiss - Call for papers

Call for papers for a conference in image theory and visual culture studies, 23-25 March 2020, University of Hamburg

Images are not two-dimensional. This insight is essential for approaching the perception of and the constitution of meaning through images. It applies to sculpture in the round, reliefs, and wall paintings as well as to coins, book illumination or floor mosaics. Such works of art all occupy a (variable) place in space, are bound to the surface and consist of several layers. Moreover, they are handled and interfere with other objects and actions. Even the production of all kinds of images can be described as a multi- layered process in a material sense. Tesserae are inserted into a substrate, paint is being applied, material removed with a chisel or poured into a mould with a certain thickness. Thus, it makes sense to distinguish different levels or layers of images and to ask how they have contributed to their perception and efficacy. In addition, the phenomena and processes associated with images are all bound to a temporality: the production of the image medium is a process that, like its perception, extends over time. The image itself references the time and duration of what is depicted, and its carrier moves through space as well as through time. With time, various layers of meaning may sediment or reappear through erosion processes. The dimension of time thus creates further layers of the image.

While, in the end, these phenomena apply to all physically perceptible objects, images are additionally characterised by further complexity in communication processes. In figural representations, figures can interact with each other, be staggered or positioned parallel in the pictorial space. The vase painters, engravers or illuminators – to name just three groups of producers – makes use of a variety of possibilities to shape and design their works. These, in turn, can reflect different intentions of their producers in their respective contexts or evoke effects on the recipient’s side. For example, different registers are used to invoke hierarchies of image elements. Within a composition, framing takes place in different ways, which in turn serves to identify significant differences. Framing here does not only mean the actual embedding in a picture frame, but moreover it refers to phenomena such as stylistic differences, size variation, positioning on a pedestal or in a building and other strategies of differentiation. Such strategies can be used to identify a human figure as an ancient statue or as a deceased person or to distinguish between different strands of action. Different narrative styles, techniques and themes provide e.g. the painters and sculptors with specific options to operate with the communicative and ontological levels.

Works of art are multidimensional. For the recipients, this results in diverse and multi-layered approaches to interpret and deal with them. Approaches to contemporary perceptions and attributions of meaning inevitably raise questions regarding ambiguous aesthetic experiences: the possibilities of a casual, as well as an intensive contemplation and observation. Connections and layers of meaning can be developed in different ways. The recurring question remains, whether, how, and by whom a distinction can or should be made between different layers. With these considerations in mind, the conference will address phenomena and constructions of different types of image layers.

We invite contributions regarding possibly but not exclusively the following questions:

How do certain material properties and genres influence the possibilities of distinguishing between image layers? How do material, design and content interact?

Which correlations exist between the design of material, temporal and communicative layers?

How does the differentiation and marking of image layers contribute to the presence of an artwork as object, medium or image?

Which different perceptions are fostered or controlled by the creation of layers? How do these relate to the circumstances of reception? Is the recognition of multiple layers linked to an intensive scrutiny or does the multi-layered image in some cases perhaps even allow a more rapid understanding of certain contexts?

Which means were used to distinguish between image layers? To what extent are these typical for certain temporal and spatial contexts?

In the context of image layers, is it feasible to speak of a readability of images, and what potential does a text-oriented analysis of ancient works of art hold? To what extent can, for example, categories of analysis from narratology be applied in this respect? By what means are levels differentiated and identified in texts, and what role did phenomena such as palimpsests or intertextuality play in antiquity?

Please send an abstract (250 words) of your proposed paper along with your contact details and a short academic CV to: by 22 August 2019.

The conference is organised by Jacobus Bracker, Fanny Opdenhoff, and Martina Seifert and will take place at the Institute for the Archaeology and Cultural History of the Ancient Mediterranean at the University of Hamburg.

Call for Papers: ‘Graduate Workshop: Architecture and The Ancient Economy’

10. Juli 2019, Philipp Weiss - Call for papers

23 September 2019, Freie Universität Berlin

Deadline CfP: 12th July 2019


Application: abstract (max. 150 words) with a short CV

Head: *Dr Dominik Maschek (University of Oxford, Associate Professor of Roman Archaeology and Art)

Organizing committee: *Thomas Heide, Paola Santospagnuolo, Anja Schwarz (PhD Candidates, FU Berlin, Institute for Classical Archaeology); Konogan Beaufay, Alice Poletto (DPhil Candidates, University of Oxford); Dr. Regina Attula (Coordinator Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies, FU Berlin)

Keywords economy, architecture, urbanism, infrastructure, construction techniques and materials, economics of construction, supply and transport of (building) material, trade, methods & methodology, technology

Like any other human creation, ancient architecture is heavily affected by economic considerations. Procurement and transportation of building material, labour requirements, and technological developments are three important (but not the only) factors which influenced the planning and construction of monuments, buildings, and urban / extra-urban infrastructures.

In the last few decades, research on the ancient economy has been constantly increasing, largely thanks to the use of a wide range of proxies and models fruitfully applied to many different questions and historical periods. The economic impact of construction processes, of the uptake of technological innovations, of architectural design and urban planning are some of the aspects that have recently been investigated more systematically and comprehensively. In this context, both large-scale perspectives – considering entire towns, their fabric and infrastructure, and their transformation over time – and micro-scale approaches have been employed to assess the connection between architecture and economy.

Addressing the outlined issue, this graduate workshop aims to offer a forum for discussion and exchange on case studies, as well as on theories, methods and approaches to the ancient economy. Young scholars (PhD candidates and post-docs) with different disciplinary backgrounds are invited to contribute by presenting their research topic within an economic framework.

The workshop will take place in the run-up to the conference ‘ARCHITECTURE AND THE ANCIENT ECONOMY’ (September 26-28, 2019, Freie Universität Berlin, organised by Prof. Dr. Monika Trümper and Dr. Dominik Maschek). This joint workshop is co-organised by graduate students from the University of Oxford and the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS), FU Berlin, and funded by the Einstein Stiftung Berlin.

The programme will be organised into thematic sessions based on the proposals. There will be time for open group discussions on different topics, for which we welcome your suggestions and ideas. Presentations should be 10-15 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of discussion. The preferred conference language is English, but French, Italian and German are welcome as well. Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse any costs for travel or accommodation, but there is no registration fee.

Colleagues who are interested in presenting a paper are kindly requested to submit an abstract (max. 150 words) with a short CV to by 12th of July 2019.

Neu auf Propylaeum-DOK: Schriften von Tonio Hölscher

08. Juli 2019, Katrin Bemmann - Aktuelles

Eine Auswahl von Schriften des Klassischen Archäologen Tonio Hölscher wird jetzt sekundär auf Propylaeum-DOK online im Open Access bereit gestellt.
Erste Titel stehen bereits zum Download zur Verfügung, weitere werden sukzessive online gestellt.
Hölscher war von 1975 bis 2009 ordentlicher Professor für Klassische Archäologie an der Universität Heidelberg.
Hölscher ist Mitglied zahlreicher Akademien und Wissenschaftsinstitutionen, darunter die  Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, die Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea in Salzburg, die Academia Europaea in London, die Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti in Neapel, die Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rom, dem Deutschen Archäologischen Institut und dem Österreichischen Archäologischen Institut in Wien.


Freiburger Kolloquium 2019 « Der Tod des Königs: Realität, Literatur, Repräsentation »

04. Juli 2019, Philipp Weiss - Aktuelles

Vom 9. bis 11. September 2019

Das Freiburger Colloquium 2019 hat zum Ziel einen interdisziplinären Blick auf diesen transzendenten Moment des Lebens eines Königreichs zu werfen. Wir möchten über die reiche Literatur, die dieses Ereignis begleitet (chronikale Berichte, Begräbnispoesie, volkstümliche Erzählungen, Exempla) ebenso nachdenken, wie über ihre Repräsentationsformen und Symbole (Gräber, Ikonographie, Skulpturen) und über ihre politische Bedeutung.

Université de Fribourg
Site Miséricorde
Avenue de l'Europe 20
MIS 4, Salle Jäggi (1er étage)

Prof. Hugo Oscar Bizzarri

Directeur de l'Institut d'Études Médiévales

Membre du département d'espagnol

Beauregard – Bureau 3.213
CH–1700 Fribourg
+41 26 300 7897

Martin Rohde

Administrateur de  l'Institut d'Études Médiévales
Miséricorde – Bureau 4123
CH–1700 Fribourg
+41 26 300 7915